ATTENTION: The firmware is only suitable for T2Tz. You need to download the file, unpack, read the installation instructions.
Instruction with unlocker T2Тz .
1) Download unlock unlock-t2tz.rar and unpack to computer.
2) There will be a firmwares folder in it, you need to upload the custom firmware file to it, after renaming it to: inno-t2t.tar.gz.
3) Next, open the command line, in the search in Windows, write cmd.
4) ВIn cmd, you need to go to the unlock folder, for example, unlock is on the desktop cd Desktop.
5)Run unlock command: cli-installer-t2tz.exe --ip-address= ( replace with the correct ip address).
6) If you changed the password to, then add the option: -http-pass=newpass
ATTENTION: For those who want to roll back to stock firmware.
1) Download stock firmware inno-t2tz-stock.tar.gz.
2) We click on the lower left corner in the web interface where the version of the current firmware is shown and fill in the stock.
26 TH/s 1900 watt (73 watt -TH/s)
30 TH/s 2350 watt (78 watt -TH/s)
S26 TH/s 2300 watt (88 watt -TH/s)
Release: 3.1.9
Downloaded: 1679
Date: 16.02.2022
Size of the firmware Update: 14.9 Mb
Size of SD image Install: 0.0 Mb
Hash Sum of the firmware: ba939d32b423a7a45e0409e2b2276f29
Hash Sum of SD image: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
Update download 3.1.9
Install SD download 3.1.9
What's new:
1) General stability, optimization and revision of the main drivers.
Chronology of changes by release.
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