AntMiner R4 3.8.6

Release 3.8.6

Obsolete model

  • Release: 3.8.6

    Downloaded: 1116

    Date: 17.03.2021

    Size of the firmware Update: 13.4 Mb

    Size of SD image Install: 0.0 Mb

    Hash Sum of the firmware: f648da5cd165bc1c2321f474c0f317d7

    Hash Sum of SD image: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e

      Update download 3.8.6     Install SD download 3.8.6  

    What's new:

    Fixed some stability and driver issues.
    Fixes for connecting to pool.
    Fixes for connecting to the pool.
    Fixes for connecting to the pool.
    Fixes for connecting to the pool.

Chronology of changes by release.


Installation and configuration in pictures.


You can get acquainted with the advantages of the firmware and the main functions by watching the video:

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As a partner you will receive:

  • Personal assembly of the firmware with your logo and your commission
  • 24/7 technical support for integrating and configuring the firmware.
  • Priority of updates - new firmware versions, before official releases