Release: 3.8.6
Downloaded: 517
Date: 17.03.2021
Update download 3.8.6
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What's new:
1) General stability.
2) Added the ability to choose between a full restart of the ASIC and the restart of only the cgmeiner in tune.
3) In addition to the automatic virus scanning system, Added manual scanning and disinfection in the Security section, including the new AntBuild virus. 4) Fixed connection to monitoring
5) Added the Find Miner function to the multiplier config to search for more miners at once.
6) Changed the format of downloading the log file in txt.
7) a new function "sleep mode" when it is turned on, mining stops and the fans go down to minimum speed. The function is available in the config multiplier.
8) Fixed the problem with DevFee error exit.
Chronology of changes by release.
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