IMPORTANT: This firmware is compatible only with the Antminer S21 Imm.
Before installation, make sure you have the correct firmware version for your device.
Check the date of the stock firmware. If the stock BITMAIN firmware is from March 2024 or later, you need to downgrade the firmware version using the image from Series 21 (2024 Unlock) or Series 19 (Stock Firmware) for your model and control board type.
Firmware for all models can be found here: Firmware for All Models
To install the firmware, use an SD card (maximum 16GB, FAT32 format).
IMPORTANT: If you want to flash the Antminer S21 Imm with a Zylinx (xilinx) control board directly to NAND memory without using an SD card, use the TOOLKIT PACK for automatic firmware installation on your devices.
NAND INSTALL: To install the firmware, you must use TOOLKIT. If you are unsure about the model and type of your control board, download the guide for models and board types here.
To get started, download the TOOLKIT PACK (includes firmware for all models). TOOLKIT PACK will automatically select the necessary firmware during installation.
You can also download the TOOLKIT installation file and select the firmware for your control board model and type. Firmware files are available here.
Presets for Series 21, 19, and L7 can be found here.
Example: asicdip-s19-88-xil-sd-v1.2.0-rc4-update
For general understanding of which files to use:
There are several types of firmware files available for this miner model:
Additional Information on Decoding the Firmware File Name:
Other available models and firmware:
For bulk installation of firmware directly to the NAND memory for the Antminer S21 Imm without using SD cards, use the instructions in the Toolkit archive.
WARNING: If the stock BITMAIN firmware is from March 2024 or later, you need to downgrade the firmware date using the image from the Series 21 or Series 19 for your model and control board type.
Firmware for all models is available at this link.
To install the firmware: Download and use the TOOLKIT PACK, which will automatically select the necessary firmware for your model and control board type. If you don't know your model and type, check here.
You can also download the installation file TOOLKIT 1.2.0 and the firmware file for NAND installation from this link, by selecting the latest release.
Presets for Series 21, 19, and L7 can be found in this PDF file.
Mass Firmware Installation Utility
Bitmain APW-12 Modifications
Update Antminer S21 Imm Release 1.2.6 rc4
Install SD Antminer S21 Imm Release 1.2.6 rc4
Custom settings for Antminer S21 Imm
Profiles for the x21, x19, and L7 series can be found here.
Release: 1.2.6 rc4
Downloaded: 2
Date: 24.01.2025
Size of the firmware Update: 0.0 Mb
Size of SD image Install: 0.0 Mb
Hash Sum of the firmware: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
Hash Sum of SD image: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
Update download 1.2.6 rc4
Install SD download 1.2.6 rc4
What's new:
The biggest improvement in this release is the auto-tuning fix to provide better tuning and performance for the following models: Antminer S21, Antminer T21, Antminer S21 Pro, Antminer S21 XP Imm, Antminer S21 Imm, Antminer S21 XP, Antminer S21 Hydro, Antminer S21 XP Hydro, Antminer S19k Pro, Antminer S19 XP, Antminer S19j XP, Antminer S19 XP Hydro, Antminer S19e XP Hydro, and Antminer T19 Pro Hydro.
Our biggest improvement in this release is the fix for autotune across multiple Antminer models, ensuring better tuning and performance.
This update is designed to deliver improved performance, reliability, and support for a wider range of miners.
Release: 1.2.6 rc3
Downloaded: 5
Date: 12.01.2025
What's new:
Firmware for all models is available at this link.
To install the firmware: Download and use the TOOLKIT PACK, which will automatically select the required firmware for your model and control board type. If you do not know your model and type, check here.
Release: 1.2.0 rc4
Downloaded: 684
Date: 08.08.2023
What's new:
To get started, download the TOOLKIT PACK (includes firmware for all models). TOOLKIT PACK will automatically select the necessary firmware during installation.
Release: 1.1.12
Downloaded: 131
Date: 07.02.2023
What's new:
Release: 1.1.11
Downloaded: 197
Date: 19.08.2022
What's new:
Chronology of changes by release.
Installation and configuration in pictures.
You can get acquainted with the advantages of the firmware and the main functions by watching the video:
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